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Monday, October 1, 2012

Hello and welcome to my blog.  My purpose of this blog is to talk about strategies and techniques to make money online that I have learned using the internet.  By NO means am I an expert at any of this!  I'm only sharing my own personal experiences in hopes that others don't fall victim to the same path and waste the time and money on methods that don't deliver any financial gain.

With today's economy so many people are looking for more and more ways to earn an income from home.  One of those ways is becoming an affiliate marketer.  There are many programs out there that teach you how to become successful at it, but they always leave out that one piece of information you really need in order to make it.  I'm not saying you can't make it as an affiliate marketer because you can, anyone can.  What I'm saying is there is a cost involved in it and these programs or tutorials don't tell you that upfront.  If you happen to be in a financial situation like I was and can't afford to pay for advertising, then you look to every free avenue available online, and in some cases, offline, in order to market whatever it is you're an affiliate for.  Some things are easier to market but it seems the results are still the same...little to none.  Some companies that you can be an affiliate for offer you promotional tools like banners, email campaigns & splash pages to help you with your promoting.  Then there are some that don't offer you anything expect for your referral link and you're left to figure it out on your own.

There are a few companies that I am an affiliate with that I would recommend to anyone who is getting started as an affiliate marketer: Clickbank, ClickSure, & Amazon.  All 3 of these companies offer great commissions for your work and are known to pay on time!  They also offer a HUGE range of products for you to promote.  As a side note, ALWAYS take the time to read the Terms of Service agreements.  There are ways you can and can not promote and it's important that you know this or your account could get banned.

Those of you looking into being an affiliate for Clickbank I strongly recommend the use of a software that will help you significantly on deciding what to promote: ClickbankSurge, if you are to use this software make note that you will need to use it in the FireFox browser.

Now on to some well known traffic strategies.  The most common strategies that I have come across are Traffic Exchange sites, submitting to free classified ads, posting your URL on social networking sites, email marketing, and paid advertising.

If you're interested in what traffic exchanges have to offer make sure to read the terms of agreement when submitting your website to the rotations whether it's for the site rotator or the link/banner rotators.  This is important because if you have any advertisements on your site and you submit that site to the traffic exchange your account with the advertising company may be suspended or cancelled.

Some of the traffic exchanges that I have personally used, like, and are FREE are as follows:
All of these traffic exchanges are free to join and offer credits upon sign-up.  These are all manual traffic exchange sites that DO deliver the traffic you need to your site...but remember, it takes up valuable time and often doesn't pay in the end.  I suggest only using a few and sticking to them.  There are hundreds, if not thousands, of traffic exchange sites online so decide on what best fits for you and your circumstances.

The one paid traffic exchange site that I stand behind is ProfitClicking.  This is an advertising site that pays you $10 to sign up, your websites are then shown to other users to generate traffic.  This site also offers you the chance to earn revenue on the packages that you purchase, supplying you with another means of generating another online income stream.  The more packages you purchase the more revenue you will generate from those packages.  Click Here to learn more.

Another way to advertise on a limited budget is to send out emails.  Here's the problem, who do you send to if you don't have a list?  Having a list is the key element to online advertising!  With my experiences I've learned that there are some good ways to be able to send out emails that are ready and willing to accept and read your emails.  The cheapest and most effective way is to join Email Safelists.  With these safelists you are able to get your ad or link out to thousands of people at no cost.  Plus, these safelists also give you the opportunity to purchase more credits if you would like.  All of these sites require you to click on emails in order to earn credits/points that will then be used to send out emails.

Here are a few things I've learned, and yes, I've learned the hard way.  When you sign up with these emailers and go to send out your email, make sure to send out to as many people as you can right away.  The reason I say this is because there are some emailers that will only allow you to send out daily, every few days, or weekly.  If you have a great ad campaign that is just being launched and you want to get a head-start on your competition I suggest you send to every person you can.  I made this mistake and was going to send out 2 campaigns and learned that I could only send out 1, and then I had to wait for a week in order to send out the 2nd campaign.  Also, when using these emailers make sure to put your direct URL into the email submission form.  If the emailer allows you to add URL's to the body of the email you can use either your direct link or a shortened one.  I do NOT suggest using a sortened URL in the form because with some of the link shorteners they take you to an advertisement and not directly to your site.  I don't know about you, but I don't want to lose a potential sale because the ad page got in the way!  There are a few URL shorteners out there that I like and they are listed below under the Email Safelists that I use and like.

Email Safelist

URL Shorteners
  • AdsPl.us:  This shortener is good to use on Social Networking sites or in forums.  I don't recommend using this one when you send out emails from the safelist sites.
  • TinyURL:  I am not a huge fan of this shortener either.
  • Bitly
  • p2l.it
  • sh8.co
  • Google
  • X.co

Online Directories to submit your URL to:

!tzalist Business Directory

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