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Friday, October 26, 2012

My take on Paid To Click programs

Recently I decided to start on another adventure to generate income online by trying out some Paid To Click (PTC) programs.  At first I was signing up for every one that I came across.  Then, I decided after I signed up for about a dozen of them I figured I had better read the Terms of Service, specifically the part that discussed how and when I would get paid for my clicks.  That's when I started realizing which of these sites are scams and which are legit.  I have yet to earn enough from any of them to collect my earnings, however when I do I will update this post about my experiences with collecting my earnings share proof.  My plan is to request payment as soon as I reach the minimum amount for each site/program.

The way I have determined whether or not these are scam sites is by:
  1. The amount of time they claim it will take them to pay once the payment request has been made.  There are a few sites/programs that state if you are a free member you will get your payment in 1 to 2 YEARS!  Then there are others that will take anywhere from 5-60 days for free members and a shorter amount of time for the paid members. Obviously, the ones that take a shorter amount of time to receive your money would make more sense in taking a "risk" with.
  2. The means in which they will pay (PayPal, AlertPay, Payza, SolidTrust, by check, etc) and if they have the "anti-cheat" method in place.  What I mean by this is they give you 3-4 options to choose from to request your payment and if you select anything other than the "pay by check" option you will not get paid!  
  3. Doing a search on the specific site/program or visiting forums to get feedback on the payment process and the program in general.
  4. The amount per click...the lower the amount per click the more likely that program is legit or creditable.  For example, there are many that "offer" $10, $5, $4, $3, $2, $1  per click but then have a ridiculously high amount before you can claim your earnings.  Whereas the sites that offer $0.001-$0.02 per click usually offer a payout option after earning as little as $1.
  5. How long the program has been around.  Usually the scam sites are only up for a short amount of time and the legit ones are the ones that actually last.  Be careful on choosing which ones you sign up with as they often will sell your email address to people to make money off of your contact info.
Below you will find a list of the sites/programs that I feel are creditable.  As I stated earlier, I have not earned enough from any of the sites as of yet to request payment, but when I do I will update this post with my experiences and proof of payment.


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